
GEB has a prebuilt calibration function. It can be used for both one- and multi-objective optimization. To run the calibration follow the steps below. Use the command below, setting the -wd command to the folder that includes your model.yml file. See also the .sh script for Linux cluster runs below.

  1. Determine which objectives/factors you want to calibrate. Add a function which calculates the score to and conditionally add the function to the code in below. Lastly, activate the function under calibration_targets in the model.yml file. For the rest of the steps, we will assume calibration on discharge data.

    for score in config['calibration']['calibration_targets']:
        if score == 'KGE_discharge':
            scores.append(get_KGE_discharge(run_directory, individual, config, gauges, observed_streamflow))
  2. Determine the location of the gauge(s) for which you have observed discharge data. Make sure the coordinates match with the location of the river in the model. Do this by checking the upstream_area file of your model (input/routing/kinematic/upstream_area) and checking the location of the gauge(s). The location of the gauge should be in the river. The observed discharge data should be stored as a .csv file where the file name is the coordinates without a comma separation (in this example: “75.8477777 17.4130555.csv”). The first column should be “date” and the second “flow”, i.e.:

    date, flow

    Make sure to check which symbol is used as the seperator in the csv. file. In the calibration script, the comma (,) is assumed to be the seperator in the .csv file.

  3. Store this file in the location below:

    original_data/calibration/streamflow/75.8477777 17.4130555.csv

    If this folder does not yet exist, create the folder manually and (if needed) change the path in the model.yml file.

  4. Next, add this location under gauges in the model.yml file and under target_variables and report_hydrology. See the example of the model.yml file below.

  5. For multiple observed locations of observed data the process is similar, just repeat step 2 to 4.

  6. Add the parameters you want calibrated under parameters in the model.yml file. First set a min and max. After, set the variable name, which refers to the location in the overall model.yml file, e.g.:

        variable: agent_settings.expected_utility.decisions.expenditure_cap
        min: 0.05
        max: 0.4

    would setup calibration for x between 0.05 and 0.4 for the following variable:

                expenditure cap: x
  7. Next, set the DEAP parameters. ngen specifies the number of total generations, mu the initial population size, lambda the number of children to produce at each generation, and select_best controls the number of best individuals selected from the population for the next generation.

  8. Lastly, run the model with the command below, or use a bash script to run it on the cluster.

    geb calibrate -wd location/of/your_model.yml/folder

    # An example of a Linux bash script calling the calibration. Note: the cpus-per-task command sets the number of parallel runs if multiprocessing is enabled.

    #SBATCH --job-name=
    #SBATCH --output=logs/calibrate-%j.out
    #SBATCH --ntasks=1
    #SBATCH --nodes=1
    #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
    #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=30
    #SBATCH --mem=120G
    #SBATCH --time=600:00:00
    #SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL
    #SBATCH --mail-user=
    echo $1
    source ~/.bashrc
    cd $SCRIPT_DIR
    conda activate geeb  # activate conda environment
    cd models/
    geb calibrate -wd $1/base
    echo "done"

    # Running the bash script with your study area of choice (here the Bhima Basin):

    sbatch "path_to/script/" bhima

    # Example model.yml with settings for the calibration

        - [75.8477777, 17.41305556]
      pre_spinup_time: 1980-01-01
      spinup_time: 1980-01-01
      start_time: 2001-01-01
      end_time: 2011-12-31
      path: calibration_multi_5
      gpus: 0
      scenario: adaptation
      monthly: false
        KGE_discharge: 1
        use_multiprocessing: true
        ngen: 10
        mu: 60
        lambda_: 25
        select_best: 10
        # Variables required to calculate calibration score from cwatm, e.g. discharge at a certain gauge
            75.8477777 17.41305556:
                varname: data.grid.discharge
                function: sample_coord,75.8477777,17.41305556
                format: csv
                save: save
        # Variables required to calculate calibration from GEB, e.g. yield ratio
                type: farmers
                function: mean
                varname: yearly_yield_ratio[:,1]
                save: save
                format: csv
                  every: month
                  day: 1
        # The to be calibrated parameters
                variable: parameters.soildepth_factor
                min: 0.8
                max: 1.8
                variable: parameters.preferentialFlowConstant
                min: 0.5
                max: 8
                variable: parameters.arnoBeta_add
                min: 0.01
                max: 1.0
                variable: parameters.factor_interflow
                min: 0.33
                max: 3.0
                variable: parameters.recessionCoeff_factor
                min: 0.05
                max: 10
                variable: parameters.manningsN
                min: 0.1
                max: 10.0
                variable: parameters.lakeAFactor
                min: 0.333
                max: 5.0
                variable: parameters.lakeEvaFactor
                min: 0.8
                max: 3.0
                variable: agent_settings.reservoir_operators.max_reservoir_release_factor
                min: 0.01
                max: 0.05