Source code for geb.agents

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from .households import Households
from .crop_farmers import CropFarmers
from .livestock_farmers import LiveStockFarmers
from .industry import Industry
from .reservoir_operators import ReservoirOperators
from .town_managers import TownManagers
from .government import Government
from .market import Market

[docs] class Agents: """This class initalizes all agent classes, and is used to activate the agents each timestep. Args: model: The GEB model """ def __init__(self, model) -> None: self.model = model self.households = Households(model, self, 0.1) self.crop_farmers = CropFarmers(model, self, 0.1) self.livestock_farmers = LiveStockFarmers(model, self, 0.1) self.industry = Industry(model, self) self.reservoir_operators = ReservoirOperators(model, self) self.town_managers = TownManagers(model, self) self.government = Government(model, self) = Market(model, self) self.agents = [ self.households, self.crop_farmers, self.livestock_farmers, self.industry, self.reservoir_operators, self.town_managers, self.government,, ] if not self.model.load_initial_data: self.initiate() else: self.restore_state() self.restart()
[docs] def initiate(self) -> None: """Initiate all agents.""" for agent_type in self.agents: agent_type.initiate()
[docs] def step(self) -> None: """This function is called every timestep and activates the agents in order of NGO, government and then farmers.""" for agent_type in self.agents: agent_type.step()
[docs] def save_state(self) -> None: """Save the state of all agents.""" for agent_type in self.agents: agent_type.save_state(folder=agent_type.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def restore_state(self) -> None: """Load the state of all agents.""" for agent_type in self.agents: agent_type.restore_state(folder=agent_type.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def restart(self): """Restart all agents.""" for agent_type in self.agents: if hasattr(agent_type, "restart"): agent_type.restart()