Source code for geb.model

import datetime
from pathlib import Path
import geopandas as gpd
from typing import Union
from time import time
import copy
import numpy as np
import warnings

from honeybees.library.helpers import timeprint
from honeybees.area import Area
from honeybees.model import Model as ABM_Model

from import Store
from geb.reporter import Reporter
from geb.agents import Agents
from geb.artists import Artists
from geb.HRUs import Data
from .hydrology import Hydrology
from geb.hazards.driver import HazardDriver

class ABM(ABM_Model):
    def __init__(
    ) -> None:
        """Initializes the agent-based model.

            config_path: Filepath of the YAML-configuration file.
            args: Run arguments.
            coordinate_system: Coordinate system that should be used. Currently only accepts WGS84.


        study_area = {

        self.area = Area(self, study_area)
        self.agents = Agents(self)

        # This variable is required for the batch runner. To stop the model
        # if some condition is met set running to False.
        timeprint("Finished setup")

[docs] class GEBModel(HazardDriver, ABM, Hydrology): """GEB parent class. Args: config: Filepath of the YAML-configuration file (e.g. model.yml). name: Name of model. xmin: Minimum x coordinate. xmax: Maximum x coordinate. ymin: Minimum y coordinate. ymax: Maximum y coordinate. args: Run arguments. coordinate_system: Coordinate system that should be used. Currently only accepts WGS84. """ description = """GEB stands for Geographic Environmental and Behavioural model and is named after Geb, the personification of Earth in Egyptian mythology.\nGEB aims to simulate both environment, for now the hydrological system, the behaviour of people and their interactions at large scale without sacrificing too much detail. The model does so by coupling an agent-based model which simulates millions individual people or households and a hydrological model. While the model can be expanded to other agents and environmental interactions, we focus on farmers, high-level agents, irrigation behaviour and land management for now.""" def __init__( self, config: dict, files: dict, spinup: bool = False, crs=4326, timing=False, mode="w", ): = crs self.timing = timing assert mode in ("w", "r") self.mode = mode self.spinup = spinup self.config = self.setup_config(config) if "simulate_hydrology" not in self.config["general"]: self.config["general"]["simulate_hydrology"] = True warnings.warn( "Please add 'simulate_hydrology' to the general section of the config file. For most cases this should be set to 'true'.", DeprecationWarning, ) if self.spinup: self.config["report"] = {} # make a deep copy to avoid issues when the model is initialized multiple times self.files = copy.deepcopy(files) for data in self.files.values(): for key, value in data.items(): data[key] = Path(config["general"]["input_folder"]) / value if spinup: self.run_name = "spinup" elif "name" in self.config["general"]: self.run_name = self.config["general"]["name"] else: print('No "name" specified in config file under general. Using "default".') self.run_name = "default" = Store(self) self.report_folder = ( Path(self.config["general"]["report_folder"]) / self.run_name ) self.report_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.spinup_start = datetime.datetime.combine( self.config["general"]["spinup_time"], datetime.time(0) ) if self.spinup: end_time = datetime.datetime.combine( self.config["general"]["start_time"], datetime.time(0) ) current_time = datetime.datetime.combine( self.config["general"]["spinup_time"], datetime.time(0) ) if end_time.year - current_time.year < 10: print( "Spinup time is less than 10 years. This is not recommended and may lead to issues later." ) else: current_time = datetime.datetime.combine( self.config["general"]["start_time"], datetime.time(0) ) end_time = datetime.datetime.combine( self.config["general"]["end_time"], datetime.time(0) ) assert isinstance(end_time, datetime.datetime) assert isinstance(current_time, datetime.datetime) timestep_length = datetime.timedelta(days=1) self.seconds_per_timestep = timestep_length.total_seconds() n_timesteps = (end_time - current_time) / timestep_length assert n_timesteps.is_integer() n_timesteps = int(n_timesteps) assert n_timesteps > 0, "End time is before or identical to start time" self.regions = gpd.read_file(self.files["geoms"]["areamaps/regions"]) = Data(self) if self.mode == "w": HazardDriver.__init__(self) ABM.__init__( self, current_time, timestep_length, n_timesteps, ) if self.config["general"]["simulate_hydrology"]: Hydrology.__init__( self, ) if not self.spinup: self.reporter = Reporter(self) self.artists = Artists(self) def restore(self, store_location, timestep): self.groundwater.modflow.restore( self.current_timestep = timestep def multiverse(self): # copy current state of timestep and time store_timestep = copy.copy(self.current_timestep) # set a folder to store the initial state of the multiverse store_location = self.simulation_root / "multiverse" / "forecast" # perform one run of the multiverse discharges_before_restore = [] for _ in range(10): discharges_before_restore.append( self.step() # restore the initial state of the multiverse self.restore(store_location=store_location, timestep=store_timestep) # again perform one run of the multiverse discharges_after_restore = [] for _ in range(10): discharges_after_restore.append( self.step() # restore the initial state of the multiverse self.restore(store_location=store_location, timestep=store_timestep) # check if the discharges are the same in both multiverses assert np.array_equal(discharges_before_restore, discharges_after_restore)
[docs] def step(self, step_size: Union[int, str] = 1) -> None: """ Forward the model by the given the number of steps. Args: step_size: Number of steps the model should take. Can be integer or string `day`, `week`, `month`, `year`, `decade` or `century`. """ if isinstance(step_size, str): n = self.parse_step_str(step_size) else: n = step_size for _ in range(n): t0 = time() HazardDriver.step(self, 1) ABM_Model.step(self, 1, report=False) if self.config["general"]["simulate_hydrology"]: Hydrology.step(self) self.reporter.step() t1 = time() print( f"{self.current_time} ({round(t1 - t0, 4)}s)", flush=True, )
# if self.current_timestep == 5: # self.multiverse()
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """Run the model for the entire period, and export water table in case of spinup scenario.""" for _ in range(self.n_timesteps): self.step() if self.spinup: print("Model run finished")
@property def current_day_of_year(self) -> int: """Gets the current day of the year. Returns: day: current day of the year. """ return self.current_time.timetuple().tm_yday @property def simulation_root(self) -> Path: """Gets the simulation root. Returns: simulation_root: Path of the simulation root. """ folder = Path("simulation_root") / self.run_name folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return folder @property def simulation_root_spinup(self) -> Path: """Gets the simulation root of the spinup. Returns: simulation_root: Path of the simulation root. """ folder = Path("simulation_root") / "spinup" folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return folder
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Finalizes the model.""" if self.mode == "w" and self.config["general"]["simulate_hydrology"]: Hydrology.finalize(self) from geb.workflows import all_async_readers for reader in all_async_readers: reader.close()
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()