Source code for geb.agents.government

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from .general import AgentBaseClass

[docs] class Government(AgentBaseClass): """This class is used to simulate the government. Args: model: The GEB model. agents: The class that includes all agent types (allowing easier communication between agents). """ def __init__(self, model, agents): self.model = model self.agents = agents self.config = ( self.model.config["agent_settings"]["government"] if "government" in self.model.config["agent_settings"] else {} ) self.ratio_farmers_to_provide_subsidies_per_year = 0.05 AgentBaseClass.__init__(self) def initiate(self) -> None: pass def provide_subsidies(self) -> None: if "subsidies" not in self.config: return None if self.model.current_timestep == 1: for region in self.agents.crop_farmers.borewell_cost_1[1].keys(): self.agents.crop_farmers.borewell_cost_1[1][region] = [ 0.5 * x for x in self.agents.crop_farmers.borewell_cost_1[1][region] ] self.agents.crop_farmers.borewell_cost_2[1][region] = [ 0.5 * x for x in self.agents.crop_farmers.borewell_cost_2[1][region] ] return def request_flood_cushions(self, reservoirIDs): pass def set_irrigation_limit(self) -> None: if "irrigation_limit" not in self.config: return None irrigation_limit = self.config["irrigation_limit"] if irrigation_limit["per"] == "capita": self.agents.crop_farmers.irrigation_limit_m3[:] = ( self.agents.crop_farmers.household_size * irrigation_limit["limit"] ) elif irrigation_limit["per"] == "area": # limit per m2 of field self.agents.crop_farmers.irrigation_limit_m3[:] = ( self.agents.crop_farmers.field_size_per_farmer * irrigation_limit["limit"] ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Only 'capita' is implemented for irrigation limit" ) if "min" in irrigation_limit: self.agents.crop_farmers.irrigation_limit_m3[ self.agents.crop_farmers.irrigation_limit_m3 < irrigation_limit["min"] ] = irrigation_limit["min"]
[docs] def step(self) -> None: """This function is run each timestep.""" self.set_irrigation_limit() self.provide_subsidies()